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Leonardo Cyprus Hotels & Resorts
Чувствуйте себя в безопасности – Covid19
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Covid-19 Policy

Preventive measures for your safety

The main concern of the Management of our "Leonardo Hotels & Resorts Mediterranean" hotels was and will remain the safety and protection of our guests, employees and partners.

In the midst of the situation due to corona virus (COVID-19), the management of the group has taken all necessary actions to ensure and maintain a safe and healthy environment in the hotel areas, taking the necessary measures and precautions to continuously prevent and eliminate the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

To view our usefull Covid-19 prevention instructions for our guests Click Here.
To view our detailed Covid-19 preventive meausures guide for our partners/ travel agents Click Here.

Human Resources

Human Resources

  • Managers and supervisors are trained, by our Quality Health & Safety Group Manager in cooperation with our Health & Safety Consultants, on planning, implementing and controling Hygiene, Cleaning & Disinfection, and Social Distancing measures.
  • Line Staff have been trained, among others things, on implementing proper hygiene measures and cleaning and sanitation methods, on correct usage of protective equipment, on social and physical distancing measures, and on recognizing possible symptoms of covid-19 and taking necessary actions.
  • All Staff at all levels, is medically screened daily, is limited in staff rooms to 1 person per 8 m2 adhering to the required distancing, is kept in same shifts to make traceability procedures easier, and the staff meetings are limited in time.

Reservations/ Front Office

Front Office

  • Guests arrive to reception one by one wearing their surgical face masks, passing through medical screening (thermal cameras, etc.) when first time arrival. Plexiglass barriers, social distancing signs, and dividing ribbons are in place.
  • Registration Cards can be filled online at (click here), and only a signature will be required at hotel's check in desk, minimizing the time of interaction with reception personnel. Guests are encouraged to fill their registration cards online before their arrival.
  • Sanitizers (with alcohol > 70%) are available, and signs encourage guests to hands hygiene. Similarly, disinfectants are available for guests' luggages.
  • Lobby furniture is placed in a way to prevent crowding and to achieve social distancing.

Public Areas/ Lifts

Public Areas

  • Guests will be required to wear surgical mask indoor and outdoor except during eating or drinking
  • The cleaning frequency has increased and extra disinfections are applied throughout each shift.
  • Our public toilets are cleaned continuously, and are fully equipped with warm water, hand soap, one-time paper tissues, and alcohol-based (>70%) sanitizers.
  • Lifts are continuously cleaned and sanitized. Of the previous allowable number of persons at once, only half is now allowed. Guests are encouraged to use lifts with their family members. If sharing a lift with strangers, signs encourage guests to use face masks, and take a back to back position. The use of stairs is encouraged.
  • Stands with alcohol-based sanitizers are available all over the hotels.


Room View

  • Our housekeeping staff use the appropriate protective equipment (face mask, gloves, face plexi shield or goggles, one-use apron). Shoes are disinfected or shoe covers are used.
  • Empty rooms are ventilated with open windows and air-conditioning on for at least 20 minutes. Dirty sheets and towels are placed plastic bags in baskets with lids.
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting is applied to all items appropriately and linen is sterilized with steam. Clean sheets are brought and placed by a separate maid. Pillows, TV and air-conditioning controls are disinfected and sealed in nylon bags for every new guest.
  • Extra fabrics and decorations in the rooms have been eliminated, to avoid the risk of contamination. A room is available to next guest at least 2 hours after the disinfection prodecure.

Restaurants/ Bars/ Pool Bars


  • Allowable number for guests is 1 person/ 3m2 for indoor restaurants, and 1 person/ 2m2 for outdoor restaurants.
  • Tables are placed in at least 2 meters distance of each other (corner to corner). Maximum number of guests is 8 per table. Guests are led to their table by our hotel hostesses.
  • Guests will be self-served by using protective gloves and surgical masks. Buffet runners will monitor the procedure.
  • Bar counters are only for take away. Guests can order, receive, and take their drinks back to their table.

Swimming Pools

Swimming Pool

  • For safety, currently there is a maximum limit of 1 bather/ 5m2 at the same time in the swimming pools. A Shower is strictly required before entering.
  • Guests receive Clean Towels from the Gym area for use on their sunbeds. At the end, guests are required to return their towels in a specified closed basket in the Gym.
  • Umbrellas are distanced 4 meter between them, and the sets of sunbeds are placed in 2 meter distance.
  • Guests are requested to maintain at least 6 feet / 2 meters distance between them inside and outside the pool. Signs with relevant instructions are placed in the area.

Activities in the hotel


  • Hands Sanitization is required before and after use of each toy/ game. Staff disinfect toys/ games before each usage.
  • Gyms operate with a 1 person / 8m2 and an exercising duration limitation. The number of equipment is reduced to maintain a 2 meters distancing. Prior reservations are required. Guests have to disinfect each equipment before and after use.Sauna is not available.
  • Spa is available on appointment, and a limitation of 1 person/ 8m2 applies. Clean towels are provided, beds and chairs are disinfected, and single-use paper covers are used. Spa beauticians/ therapists use relevant protective equipment (face mask, gloves, single-use aprons, etc) and take sanitization measures.
  • Hair Salons operate only with appointment, with a limitation of 1 person/ 8m2. Clean towels are used for each guest, and hairdressers make use of the relevant protective equipment and sanitization methods.

Events - Weddings - Animation Activities

Wedding Event

  • Due to a limitation of 1 person/ 8m2, guests are requested to book a place in advance. Only events that allow us to keep the social distancing of 2m are organized.
  • For weddings there is a maximum number of 50 guests in a party. Please contact a Hotel Banqueting Coordinator through our webpage at for more information.
  • Guests may be required to pass through medical screening (temperature & other symptoms) and get registered.
  • Tools and instruments will be carefully cleaned and disinfected before and after each use. Hands will be sanitized before and after each activity.
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